Project #1 Lost & Found


This project is a piece of memory from my friend Lu, and it is about the telephone in the house where she grew up. We are the generation that witnessed the development of technology. As mobiles replace the phone, she lost the phone in her home. From then, she started to lose her childhood and her memory of it.

Design Process

I started picturing the phone in my head and tried to draw it on a piece of paper. I tried to focus on different compositions and use empty spaces in the picture to depict the feeling that we had left the phone in the past. The receiver is not put back in place, as if we are forever answering an unfinished call. I first determined the object's position, background, and receiver with a few simple shapes in the creation process. Then, I create more details based on simple graphics. For example, I divided the phone into four parts: the main body, the basement, the turntable, and the receiver stand. Disassembling a complex figure into several sections allows me to draw complex objects in simple basic graphics. I left the color and details to the end. I think in the process of creation, as long as you can distinguish each part with color, there is no need to complete the color in one step, because it could be modified at the end. The same goes for the details.


It is not the first time I've used P5, but it's the first time I've drawn with P5. I found it very interesting, but at the same time, I didn't feel like I was painting. Drawing sketches on paper is more about composition, shape, and space. Drawing with P5 is like playing a number game. You need to put the Numbers in their proper place in the coding language according to the ideas you draw on the paper. In the past, When I was programming, I didn't pay much attention to annotations. But in this assignment, I found that accurate labeling made the whole process simple and straightforward. I hope I could keep this good habit in future exercise.